jeudi 1 novembre 2012

Tall Tales : Fresh new rock band

Last Thursday, we went to a gig near King's cross. We met a fresh new rock band: Tall Tales ! They are a neo folk rock band who formed in early 2012 made up of bassist and lead singer, Oliver Gamblin, guitarist Juan Caceido, bassist Dario Rodriguez, pianist David Horner and Drummer Matthias Fuchez.

You can find them on Soundcloud ,MySpaceYou Tube, and Facebook.

Tall Tales took us along for a long and poetic journey in South and North America and of course, England. When we talk about Tall Tales, it makes you think of summer, you are laying in your garden, it’s the holidays and the only thing that you are doing is listening to music in your earphones. It smells like a festival, we don’t want it to stop, the times slow down when we listen this band. We feel the sun in our hair; we are transported to a magical world, in a van and we cross the landscapes of a wonderful country.

Here is one of their songs, enjoy !

About the gig, the band mixed folk and rock songs very well. Indeed, on their Youtube page, their music sounds like folk ballads, but in their gigs, they really know how to make the crowd dance with lively songs.  We can already see goupies for this fresh new band !

After their gig, we met the rock band in the backstage for a quick interview :

Why did you call the band Tall Tales ?
Oliver:  Well it comes from a guy from Northampton, he’s a wise guy who plays folk music, he’s got an amazing mind. Once I just told to him like just come up with a name and he said to me you guys should be called Tall Tales... we never came up with anything better than that. It’s really about fairy tales and making up stories things like that...

How would you qualify your style of music ?
Oliver: It’s like neo folk rock, you can think it’s folk music but it’s not, it’s progressive folk...

What are your influences ?
Matthias: It’s a mix of French and American music 
Oliver:  I grow up with traditional folk music then with soul music but each of us bring something ...
Juan:  I really like Santana...

What is your worst or best memory as a band ?
Matthias: Our worst memory is that Juan is leaving us tonight.. but tonight was really nice because people actually came
Oliver:  But it’s nice also when we can play, mess around, like when we do jamming sessions...

When will your next gig be?
Justin, manager of the band: The next gig will probably be the 23rd of November at the Workshop.

Tall Tales from left to right: Matthias, Oliver, David, Juan, Dario.

Thanks to Tall tales and Justin Abuzid.

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